What else are we looking to achieve, in everything we do for our well-being, than peace.
In yoga. In love. In all the choices we make in life, we look for peace, for serenity. To be “happy” – in abscence of unhappiness. To be in union with peace.
This peace that we seek with all our life choices, big and small, is to be found within.
This peace we carry around inside of us every step of our walks, every breath of our days.
It is what we are; what I am deepest within. All I need to do is to rid myself of anything that stands in between me and it. All I need to do is to close my eyes, relax and dip into this peace. This source. The Source. Me.
All looking outside of myself for this experience, is in vain. The experience is always and only within. Just to relax, and dive into the well. The source. Be. In yoga. Union with Peace.
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