Posts Tagged ‘yoga on wings’

Remedies for exhausted spacesuits

Så vad göra när vata är förhöjt och ur balans?



Hålla sig varm, äta varmt.

Tänk jord, fötter, värme och minska ner på antalet aktiviteter. Rör dig långsammare. Gör färre saker.

Sesamoljemassage, abhiyangar: Massera varm sesamolja in i kroppen från huvudet och neråt i 10 minuter. Låt oljan sitta i ytterligare 10 minuter (i ett bad eller en dusch, eller bara inlindad i badrocken).

Pranayama: full andning, fokus på lång utandning.

Asanas: Yoga för muladhara chakra [baschakrat], asanas som befrämjar grundning och öppnar flödet i underkroppen, benen, fötterna. Stående asanas med medvetenheten i fötterna. Framåtfällningar. Höftöppnare.

Restorative asanas som grundar för stillhet, stabilitet. Surrender to the Earth. Apana vayu.

Nada yoga – yoga of sound, mantra: LAM / OH.

Sinnesorganet för muladhara chakra är näsan. Grundande dofter är träiga, jordiga dofter som bl a sandelträ, Vata-olja. Känn och välj själv. Känn vad som lugnar i magen, grundar, skapar en känsla av trygghet.

Element att vistas i: naturen. Let mother Earth heal you from inside and out.

Foto: Linda Sällström

Homecoming of my blog

From now on, I’ll be writing my previous blog “Yoga on Wingshere!

Here at my own website I am free to write and philosophy on everything I choose, including letting you know all the exciting events that take place around my yoga – and others.

I’ll still be writing posts in both Swedish and English.

Happy Halloween! These beauties found me today. Last week they were under snow. : )

What is YOGA?

What is yoga to you?

To me, Yoga is to be one with the Divine.

Yoga is the ability to direct the mind without distraction or interruption. [Yoga sutras]

“Yoga is something we experinece inside, deep within our being. Yoga is not an external experience.”

“Anything that brings us cloer to understanding that there is a power greater than oerselves, is Yoga. When we feel in harmony with that higher power, that too is Yoga.”

“Yoga also means mindfulness. To act in such a way that all of our attention is derected towards the activity in which we are currently engaged.”[T.K.V. Desikachar]


Yin yoga





Var på yin-klass idag.
Så underbart välgörande.
Bästa komplementet till alla solar practices man ändå gör, all stärkande, byggande yoga.

Yin yogan aktiverar ju det parasympatiska nervsystemet.
Gör oss lugnare.
Säger åt musklerna att slappna av.

Mycket framåtfällningar, med andra ord.
Sittande asanas.
Och inversioner.

I yin andas vi mycket.

Håller smärtpunkten i en asana, och andas in i den.

Andas oss igenom smärtpunkten, och någonstans ut på andra sidan.

Igenom de platser i kroppen dom är “prana-knutar”, där prana inte flödare fritt.

Igenom – och djupare.

Löser upp knutarna, eller en bit av dem.

Blir friare.




Hanuman Jayanti Poornima ॐ

Happy Full Moon Birthday, Hanuman!

Idag, 30 mars, är det gudomen Hanumans födelsedag. I Haridwar i Norra Indien partajar idag ungefär 2 miljoner devotees vid Ganges – det kallar jag födelsedagsfest! (Och eftersom Indien är Indien, så firas Hanumans födelsedag olika tider på året i olika delar av landet.)

Hanuman – den största bhakti yogin av dem alla. En inkarnation av Shiva. Alltid i Devotion to the Highest; i Hanumans fall är det Rama som är hans herre, hans Gud.

Det är därför jag har Hanuman på min axel.

Som en ständig påminnelse om att alltid vara villig och redo, alltid försöka vara ödmjuk och alltid tjäna det Högsta, varandet, det Gudomliga, Medvetandet, Gud, Gudinna, Kärleken.

En tanke för dagen: How am I best a servant of the Greater Good, and not of my self (my ego)?

Sexual yoga and the new paradigms of partnership

We are evolving and changing into a different way of life.
A major shift in consciousness is taking place, right before our eyes. (And it’s happening faster and faster, too.)
Relationships take on different forms than those of the last generations.

Yoga is the state of liberation.

And its also a practice in many ways of living.
The target of the practice is always the same: the mind.
The mind that creates the illusory, and sense perceived, separation from our natural state of liberation.

Asanas on the mat is one way of living yoga.
Breath is one. Breath is life – Prana.
To create harmony and harmlessness in the environment we live in.
And the giving of our innermost selves – the depth of God – through sexual love.

Sexual yoga.

Yoga as in the longing, and hesitation, we have to give of our innermost selves through sexual unity.
The openness that is everything there is – and that we are.

I want to recommend highly, the work of yogi David Deida.
What he teaches on sexual yoga, and the new paradigms of partnership, is simply the best I have come across over my 20+ years of expansion in the subject.
You find his website here.
And here’s also a book recommendation, one of his many titles.

Hafiz of the Day


It used to be
that when I would wake in the morning
I could with confidence say,
“What am ‘I’ going to Do?”

That was before the seed cracked open.

Now Hafiz is certain:

There are two of us housed in this body,

doing the shopping together in the market and
tickling each other
while fixing the evening’s food.

Now when I awake
all the internal instruments play the same music:

“God, what love-mischief can ‘We’ do
for the world today?”

Music is Yoga, Yoga is Music

And tonight …

ANYONE who is in Stockholm tonight, DO take the chance and see the world’s greatest band play LIVE:

Dave Matthews Band!!

34+ million albums sold, they are gigants in the USA. And sooo unknown, yet, in Sweden! The venue is the littlest place, it’s gonna be an intimate luxurious treat.

Join me!

Fryshuset 7.30 pm!

Yoga photo shoot

Yesterday was the funnest, best shoot.
In my turqoise haven/studio/home.
Perfect light.
Tons of props, ideas, planning.
One great Canon photographer.
One yogini.

These are just some behind shots.
Wait ’til you see the real deal!


I want to share an amazing article on Arunachala, the holy mountain in Tamil Nadu, south India. The incarnation of Shiva.

I will never forget when I first laid eyes on this sacred piece of land.

I was on pilgrimage from my guru Papaji’s house in Lucknow, to visit what had been (and forever was) his guru, Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi’s, home for some 55 years. The mountain Arunachala. Which enlightened Ramana to the irrevocable ultimate state of Freedom; of Pure Being.

Arunachala Shiva was Ramana’s guru. And so Ramana never left its feet. In eternal devotion to the mountain, he lived there until he died.

Still to this day, 15 years later, I choke with tears from the deepest place in my heart as I tell my story of coming to the mountain.

I will never forget.

I looked out of the window from the bus, approaching Tiruvannamalai station. At some turn of the road, suddenly He appeared.


The mountain.


And I cried, from the deepest part of my Heart. I cried with emotions that words cannot encompass. Tears of Freedom. But even more so, of Grace. And of more Grace.

In the article, which you can read here, the author describes the anthropomorphic tale of how and why Shiva incarnated into this mountain.  And indeed, Lord Shiva says: “This glorious Arunachala is that of which the mere sight suffices to remove all demerits which divide up Being into egos and finite worlds. What cannot be acquired without endless pains — the true import of Vedanta — is easily attained by all who can either directly sight this hill or even mentally think of it from afar.”

Philosophy of a spacesuit

For my Swedish readers:

Jag är yogini, copywriter, fotograf och globetrotter. Och det här är min blogg där jag yogafilosoferar fri som fågeln.

Jag är inte ens språkligt trogen! My spacesuit eats, sleeps, loves and explores the world. I’ve given it this blog to play with. Ibland på svenska. Ofta på engelska.

Jag bor i Stockholm, och är elev hos yogini Shiva Rea i Los Angeles. I sommar ska jag vara “färdig” Prana Flow yoga teacher. Eller yoga servant, som jag föredrar att säga. Bloggen kommer förmodligen att bli min skolbänk, där jag bollar och benar ut allt som jag som lärare har att lära mig i yogans ändlösa värld. Och jag vill väldigt gärna veta vad ni vill läsa om.

And for my English speaking readers:

I am a yogini, writer, photographer and globetrotter. And this is my blog where i philosophy around the vastness of living yoga as freely as I please.

I’m not even committed to one language! You’ll find this blog in both English and Swedish.

I live in Stockholm, and am a yoga student of Shiva Rea in Los Angeles. This summer I should be a certified Prana Flow Yoga Teacher. Or, Yoga Servant, as I like to call it. This blog will probably pretty much be my study room, where I toss and spin everything I as a teacher (or servant) have to learn in the vast world of Yoga. And I would like to hear back from you.

Välkommen. Welcome. Namaste.