The Lyrical Wave

This time now. These days on Earth. How full they are, how fast, how fast. 20 times the speed of the previous 12 years.

A whirlpool of speed. A faster and faster momentum towards the center point: Zenit, the Point of Absolute Stillness Absolute Consciousness. According to the various ancient calendars, we have until October 28 to go in this era. Buckle up, folks!

What is my task at this time? How do I tackle, obey, surrender and support the Great Power or Will that will take us down whether we want to or not?

I choose to embrace all aspects of my being. I embrace the Blackness, and the Light. All in creation must be allowed to be what it is. This is the time to Include, be a tantrica, unite with the Divine through Inclusiveness. This is Kaliyuga!

Stillness is the way. Slowness is the way. The more the world spins and tempts me to spin with it, the clearer it becomes that my task is to be steadfast the opposite.

Walk slower.

Speak slower.

See, really see with my senses, the Poetry of creation before my eyes.

And Breathe deeper.

For this era is the Lyrical wave*. And after follows …….. Stillness.

So catch the wave. Inhale the Poetry and Art before you. Breathe it all in. And pray for the gift of tribing.





*as in 5Rhytms

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