Souls in motion and Love at Esalen

Saturday morning in San Anselmo, landing in my home away from home for the next two weeks, a wonderful little hill held house of my beloved friend and teacher who’s also away from home.

Not quite ready yet to summarize or have my Esalen week descend into words here, the seven days (and life times) of movement and stillness with the Soul Motion community under the loving and wise wings of Zuza Engler and her Scott Engler and all the other loving hands and hearts supporting the space. Deep prayer deep healing deep gratitude deep joy!!!

Hummingbirds, hugs, hot tubs, Esalen’s beauty holding space for the space, and about two billion butterflies reminding us of how to use it. And how to land gracefully with a new body, a bigger Heart, a new day.

Thank you All for being there with Me.

esalen sandie ed amanda randi michelle bug esalen v


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group hug ronski sunset group bradley randymi


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